Artist Registration Form Create your profile and upload your artworks
SUBMIT FORM * Note: Please fill all mandatory fields by scrolling down to enable SUBMIT FORM button
Artist Registration Form Create your profile and upload your artworksSUBMIT FORM
General Instructions
Please scroll down completely and tick the check box 'I agree' at the left bottom, to enable the PROCEED button.
This portal enables the artists across the globe, to register and rent a virtual gallery
for displaying their art works.
As part of the launch program, virtual galleries are made available to each artist, free
of cost for a period of three months.
Every artist, wishing to display his / her artworks in the virtual gallery, is required
to register and provide basic details about the artist and the art works.
A nominal non-refundable registration fee (INR 600/- for Indian Artists and INR 1200/-
for outside artists) is to be paid at the time of registration.
The payment of the registration fee is to be paid through online only. Online payment
process supports payment through UPI / credit card / debit card / Net Banking.
In the current phase, each artist can upload up to a maximum of ten images of the
art work.
As of now, the portal does not support online sale of the art works. However, the portal
provides a facility for the art lover, viewing the online virtual gallery, to contact the
artist, if his / her art work is to be purchased.
In the next phase, the portal is expected to provide a facility for online purchase
of the art works.
Before commencing the artist registration process, the artist should necessarily keep
the following items ready. In the absence of any single item, the registration process
would not get completed and the entire process has to be repeated.
Profile of the artist in pdf document format, not exceeding 100 words.
High resolution good quality images of the art works in jpg / jpeg / png
format, (max. 10), each digital image not exceeding 1 MB size.
Information on Title, size, category, medium and price of the art work.
Facility for making online payment of the registration fee.
Uploading Artist’s photo is optional.
If the payment fails due to any reason, the data entered in the previous screen would
be lost and the data entry for registration process has to be repeated.
The artist is required to upload digital images of only his / her own art works and not
combine with art works of other artists.
The uploaded images of the art works would be scrutinized by Karnataka Chitrakala
Parishath for quality and content.
Only the images of art works meeting the quality criteria set by Chitrakala Parishath
would be approved and uploaded into the virtual gallery.
It is possible that artist registration application along with uploaded images may get
approved partially or fully based on the criteria set by Chitrakala Parishath.
It may take 15 days for the uploaded images to get scrutinized and get uploaded into
the virtual gallery, if approved.
Registration Fee would not be refunded in case of partial / complete non approval
of the application.